Lucia is Dante's sidekick from Devil May Cry 2. Dante saves her life on many an occasion. He saves her from a horde of attacking Puja, From an exploding house and from Arius. He stops her from going through the gate to the underworld to fight Argosax. She has 2 extra costumes, One designed by fashion designers, Diesel and one is a secretary costume. A secretary is one of Arius's bodyguards, who have very similar fighting style to Lucia's. Lucia fights very different from Dante. Dante has a very slow (in comparison), strong and "Gun-ho" approach, Where as Lucia's Fighting style is quick and weak, but because of her speed she is a lot harder to hit. Neither have an advantage over the other, It's all down to personal preference.
Devil Trigger Lucia (also known as Devil Chicken)
Lucia is an okay character to use, i've played games with worse characters... She is faster than Dante by far, Yet also a lot weaker. She is a better choice for less experienced Devil May Cry Players.
Hunter and Protector
Lucia's Weapons
Lucia has weapons which differ greatly from Dante, Dante has guns and large swords and Lucia has a variety of weapons and 2 double edged blades. Lucia's weapons are Throwing Daggers, which have medium speed and medium damage, Darts which are fast and weak, Cranky Bombs, which are high damage explosives, yet slow to use and set off and a Bow gun which can only be used underwater and has medium damage and speed, but a gap between firing. Her blades are Cutlasser, average in all ways, Kylasser, Fast yet weak and Zambak, Slow and strong. Her weapons take a while to get used to if you are used to using Dante's weapons, because of the wide variation, yet after a while, they can be used like a pro.