Devil May Cry 3's title screen
Devil May Cry 3, the prequel to the Smash Hit PS2 release, Devil May Cry 1. Set in the events directly before the original Devil May Cry, We see a younger Dante face upto his twin brother Vergil. The sparks are gonna fly as the family-feud sparks off, Only one brother can win,
Even when surrounded Dante always wins...
Although Devil May Cry 3 is still a W.I.P (work in process) title, it is shaping up to be a big hit, after the so called "failure" of Devil May Cry 2 (which i didn't see as a failure, but a sucsess) should make up for it's so called "lackluster performance". Devil May Cry 3 is a Prequel, Not a Sequel as so it was first thought. Devil May Cry 3 seems to be going back to its "roots", with the original fighting style. I would like to see a choice of control systems, with a choice of Devil May Cry or Devil May Cry 2's control system. Lets hope although they are going back to the way they used to be, lets hope it doesn't stop them making lots of really good changes and adding nice touches to the game.
Check out the new sword...
In the Trailer, Dante is seen pulling of some new and some old moves, from the old "Million Stab" From DMC and DMC 2 to Air Rave, an extremley hyped up version of Air Raid from DMC 2. Also included in the trailer, was Dante fighting with another white haired warrior... Remind you of anyone... Vergil, Dante's brother. but didn't Vergil get killed when he was young? And didn't Dante agree he was dead? and why didn't Dante know Nelo Angelo was his brother, if not from his fighting style why didn't he say anything when he took his helmet off before the last time you fight him? lets hope Capcom has made a big story mistake...
I dont like the machines, lets shoot them
Also new in Devil May Cry 3 is a "style system" where you can choose a mode or "style" in which Dante fights. There are 4 "styles" which we have been told so far. They are "Gunslinger" in which Dante can use extra gun moves and can point his guns in 2 different directions, as in Devil May Cry 2's "Twosome Time" move. "Swordmaster" in which Dante gets a lot more handy with his sword and can perform extra melee movements. "Trickster" in which Dante becomes a lot more agile and evasive, allowing him to evade enemies with ease and "Royal Guard" in which Dante becomes a lot more defensive. I would also expect a offensive and an average style to be in the finished game. I think that the "Swordmaster" skill will be way cool...
Dante doesn't even need weapons
There is not a lot been told on the weapons front although in the demo at E3 there was a Shotgun to add to his arsenal and in the screen shots there seemed to be about 3 different swords, and also in the trailer a sword which resembles Alastor. Lets hope for more info on the weapons front soon because there wasn't a lot said about it at E3...
Slaying in the moonlight
There has been a small amount of information on the moves, some old, some new... sounds like a good idea. lets hope Capcom can make this work and sort the fighting style out and make it good...
Look out below!
No information has been released on Dantes ability to turn Devil Trigger has been released, so he may not even be able to transform at all, we dont know yet... But in the trailer at the very end we see a Demonic creature screaming at the moon... do we get to see Dante's first Devil Trigger transformation?
Even when young he still had Ebony and Ivory...
Devil May Cry 3 is shaping up to be an excellent game, lets hope Capcom shapes everything up and smoothes out all the graphics and animations, and makes everything run smoothly. If everything goes Ok then Capcom should have a sure-fire hit on their hands.
Someones gonna get some hurt
Devil may cry 3's trailer was released at E3, with excellent graphics and a killer sound track. many people have asked me for information on this trailer, to find out the lyrics and information click here. If you havent seen the trailer click here to view it in quicktime and click here view it in media player.
Behind you...