Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry is the first of Dantes adventures. Most people say that it is better than Devil May Cry 2. I disagree with that, i think that Devil May Cry 2 is much better, the control system is much more refined, the graphics are a lot better and the story has a lot more substance and leaves less holes questions. I also think that some of Dantes catchphrases are really cheesey in the first game. But anyway more of that later.
Devil May Cry if you mess with this guy...
Devil May Cry Story
Devil May Cry is set on the remote Mallet Island. It follows the story of Dante trying to find and destroy the evil "God" of the underworld, Mundus, Who killed his Mother and Brother when he was just a child. Dante is taken to Mallet island by Trish a mysterious woman who looks like almost exactly like Dante's mother. On the way Dante has encounters the high general of the underworld, The Phantom, A giant spider composed of lava. He also has several encounters with Nelo Angelo or the "Black Angel". Nelo Angelo is really Dante's brother Vergil, who he thought was killed years ago by Mundus. What really happened with Vergil is that Mundus killed Dante's mother and took Vergil. He brainwashed Vergil and trained him in the ways of evil.
Dante meets a variety of evil demoic creatures on his adventure, from cursed possesed puppets to giant flying statues. Dante uses many a weapon to defeat these demonic creatures. On his quest he will aquire a Shotgun, a Grenadegun, a Needlegun and a mysterious weapon built in the underworld known as the Nightmare Beta. He will also aquire more melee weapons to add to his arsenal. He will find The spirit of Lightning, Alastor, The Spirit of the Fires of Hell, Ifirit, he will also get to use his fathers legendary weapon, Sparda. He starts his quest with His Twin Pistols, Ebony and Ivory and a memento of his father, The Force Edge.
Trish, a definate femme fatele
On his quest for vengance Dante meets Trish, a beautiful and enchanting woman who resembles Dante's dead mother. Dante meets Trish the very night the game starts... Dante is just sitting in his office waiting for a some "work", when Trish drives a motorbike through his wall. Dante being calm and cool just laughs it off and tells her the bathroom's in the back. Trish starts talking about his past and that starts Dante off... he picks up a sword and starts pointing it towards Trish and asking her about how she knew about his past, Trish replies by kicking Dante, grabbing his sword and impaling him in a wall with it. She then picks up the bike she drove through his wall and says "what's the matter, daddy not teach you to use a sword?" and throws the bike at Dante, who just laughs and pulls out his twin pistols and blasts the bike with some superfast trigger action. He then pulls the sword out of his body and stands up. He points one of his guns at Trish's head and tells her that he gets closer to the jackpot with every demon he kills. Trish tells him it was just a test to see if he really was "the son of sparda" and tells him that the gate of the underworld is on Mallet island and if he goes there he will find the head demon, Mundus, who Sparda defeated 1000 years ago. So Trish takes Dante to Mallet Island and the quest begins...
Mundus is the Ruler of the Underworld. Dante's father, The legendary Dark Knight Sparda defeated Mundus 2000 years ago, and now Mundus has escaped and it is up to Dante to follow in his fathers footsteps and use his demonic powers to defeat Mundus. Mundus is only ever seen in the form of a huge godlike statue. This could be because it is his true form or because he possesed the statue to make himself look good. Being the Ruler of the Underworld, probably the second one... Mundus provides a great fight and is quite hard to defeat. He is a lot harder than Argosax the Chaos who i beat on Dante Must Die mode without him touching me. More on that later... Mundus has a good variety of attacks and to learn how to avoid and defeat the all takes a while. He is probably one of the most rounded bosses i have ever fought. Mundus wants to take over the human world so that he doesn't have to stay trapped inside the prision Sparda placed him in. It's up to you and Dante to stop that happening!
Ruler of the Underworld, Mundus
Dante's Father, The Legendary Dark Knight. The warrior who sealed mundus away 1000 years ago. The original demon hunter. He was once a fighter for the armies of mundus, yet he felt compassion for the humans, and saved them from a pitiful fate at the hands of the lord of the underworld. He married a earth woman, Eva, and they had twin sons, Vergil and Dante. They were attacked and Eva and Sparda were both killed, Vergil was taken away, yet Dante was spared. You can unlock Sparda in Devil May Cry by completing the game on HARD mode. this unlocks the Legendary Dark knight... th eonly problem is, he is referred to as Dante in all the cutscenes... poor programming capcom... but, maybe it would have taken a lot more to do it, i don't know i can't program video games! When you play as Sparda, look at his shadow... notice anything? He starts with his 2 pistols, Luce and Ombra, and an oriental sword called Yamato. He starts off with default items and health. He is a cool character to play as, if you can get over everyone calling him Dante.
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Ruler of the Underworld, Mundus