Devil May Cry Artwork

Devils Never Cry...
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Devilishly Cool Artwork!

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"I'm spinnin around..."

kinda like a hyper bulletrain eh?

uh-oh... someone's gonna get hurt...

ouch... that's gonna sting in the morning...

The brothers un-united...

look out behind you demonic scum!

one of Dantes "new" moves... or should that be old?


Fighting+Dante+Pizza=Way Cool!

The rain falls upon the brothers...

This time Dante is a lot handier with his fists

OUCH!, that must have hurt!

Woah, Dante is hellova fast!

Twirly Twirly millionstab

Dante is the real "one"

Makes "High Time" look like childsplay

Dual Pistols... beautiful Dual Pistols...

Whatever you do, don't watch Dante here for too long


could this be my next logo?

this is gonna hurt you WAY more than it's gonna hurt me!

this one's quite good i thought

Its funny cause it's true!

The legend of Sparda

Trish in a field... wonder what she's thinking?

Dante in his usual cocky-dont-give-a-damn stance

Theres one for the ladies...

Another one for the ladies....

The 1000 yard stare... (who knows where thats from?)

A very nice looking, shaded, DMC 3 Dante.

A full colour DMC 3 Dante, plus a title... i want DMC 3 now!

Trish on her superbike she stole at the start of DMC1

ME! the picture done for 2500 hits! expect MANY more of these! Love em!

What do you think of these pictures?

Email me, or sign the Guidepost to let me know your thoughts!

Thanks to everyone whose art i have shown, i am still adding, and anyother art will be greatly appreciated